
What are the benefits of olive oil.

What are the benefits of olive oil.
Must tell you that. Olive oil to be extracted. With olive dip Poriuuaeueืo we eat different varieties as well.
Mature green olives that are planted densely or Olive Mediterranean. America, South America, western Australia
In Thailand also benefit poorly. The trees are over 70 varieties of round or oval Some of the smooth surface. Some rough Can consumers benefit when cooked.
Properties of the olive is known since ancient times, the father of a hippo K. Discourse medicine Olive oil, gastrointestinal diseases. People Hip Bruce massage using olive oil and apply in a religious ceremony. The Egyptians regarded the smell of olive oil is a worthy body odor Pharaoh. Bible of Christianity spoke of clean wounds from fighting with olive oil.
We now know in terms of olive oil for cooking. And aesthetic benefits. And olive oil were qualified in terms of prevention-related gut early Effective in helping to treat stomach inflammation.
Meeting International Olive Oil Council presented a research report showed that tocopherols carotene polyphenols and triglycericles. In olive oil. That these compounds have anti-cancer properties and help digestion. It is also a mild laxative as well.
The quality of olive oil can be divided into.1. Kind of ultra-pure "Extra Virgin" is the best kind. Olive taste and odor strength. Extracted by means of cold cases. Not all chemical processes. What color green with some gold.2. Very pure type or Virgin Superfine Virgin Olive Oil is followed by quality and price. It is a versatile chemical species. Destroyed by heat. Flavor is inferior as well.3.. 3 types of pure good or Fine Olive Oil or Refined Olive Oil prices are down quite a lot. Extracted from meat with the olive processing industry, heat and chemicals to be processed, such as bleach odor, most bleaching Virgin Olive Oil to fill part To get the color and odor properties of the anti-oxidation of olive oil and some4. Types of pure or Virgin or Pure Olive Oil Olive scent is generally only mild. A pH less than 4% for more than this would not eat. But as the oil lamp or pomade
Virgin olive oil has a different name as follows.Extra Virgin Olive Oil is virgin olive oil, which is radical in the form of cholesterol, oleic acid. Which shall not exceed 1 gram per 100 grams of smell and taste that has extremely high standards.Virgin Olive Oil is virgin olive oil, which is radical in the form of cholesterol, oleic acid. Which shall not exceed 2 grams per 100 grams of smell and taste standards.Refined Olive Oil Olive oil is made from pure olive oil (virgin olive oil) to the refinery.Olive Oil Olive oil is a mixture of oil through the refining process (refined olive oil) and virgin olive oil (virgin olive oil).Olive Pomace Oil is olive oil, take the waste oil through a separate process with the solution. Sometimes it may be called olive oil.
Expensive high-quality olive oil should be taken as a cooked salad dressing Condiments or other food. Not fit to be fried or fried. This may take a low-grade olive oil came down. Extra virgin olive oil and seasoning, if you lose heat to a temperature above 60 degrees Celsius.Also in the medical community is currently focused on the properties of olive oil and more. It has been discovered that People who live in the Mediterranean area is often not as heart disease. Although like eating any more fat. This may be because they consume olive oil, along with a sure enough.Olive oil is the main substance in acid olefins Ignacio. Feature is a very stable substance. Be oxidized easily. This antioxidant property itself serves as immune diseases.
Properties of olive oil in cooking.Olive oil contains unsaturated fatty acids, a single location and anti-oxidants that have a lot of making olive oil resistant and heat stable condition with a high temperature oil is ideal for frying or cooking. requires high heat olive oil can be reused several times without causing a reaction, any changes in fat other with polyunsaturated fatty acids lower the (animal fats fats seeds) are not antioxidants are created for the oxidation process as easy to cause toxic residues and harmful to the organs in the body.When the olive oil to fry foods. The food will absorb a little oil. Reduce the cooking time. Makes food taste good and do not lose. Nutrition. Olive oil is also suitable as a food for weight control too.Olive oil is a good mix with other food. Is the key to health Olive oil also. Taste best when eaten fresh as salad or you eat with the bread. The taste equally good at all.A study by research organizations have shown that fat with health benefits most is unsaturated fatty same location (monounsaturates) That would mean that fat is suitable for consumption rather than fat, other types such as saturated fat. (saturatedfats such as animal fat, coconut fat and palm fat and polyunsaturated fat location (polyunsaturates all the oil from seeds).Important food source that is rich in unsaturated fat, a single location. Olive oil is a mixture. The main ingredient in the Mediterranean. Olive oil, classified as a natural product that can still taste, aroma, vitamins and nutrients. Completely and the only vegetable oil that can be consumed without processing.The main compound in olive oil is cholesterol, oleic acid, which reached 75%, and also rich in vitamin E, beta - carotene and other antioxidants. Olive oil provides 9 calories of energy per gram. Benefits of olive oil that is beneficial for health are many. Are summarized as follows.The flow of blood. Olive oil helps prevent the artery hard (Arteriosclerosis) as well as other conditions. Related. It also helps prevent high blood pressure, heart failure, heart attack, kidney failure, and broken blood vessels in the brain.* Subset of olive oil to help the system work better parts such as stomach, pancreas, colon and gall bladder to prevent the formation of stones as well. There are also data indicate that olive oil helps. Relieve stomach inflammation and ulcers in the stomach as a mild laxative.* Olive oil protects the skin epidermis. Help with skin elasticity. Caused by vitamin E and antioxidants in olive oil, sure enough. It also works well in preventing diseases of the skin and reduce wrinkles.* Endocrine system. Olive oil, help the system to the metabolism (metabolic function) within the body to function efficiently, olive oil has become the best option to prevent and control blood sugar levels of diabetic patients from a recent study found that level. of glucose at a healthy 12% will be reduced when eating olive oil* Bone, olive oil helps to strengthen bones. And help the body of people in the absorption efficiency. Minerals and calcium better. And the prevention of osteoporosis.* Olive oil help prevent cancer tumors occur with body parts (breast, prostate colon and uterine), because fatty acids in olive oil, help inhibit the free radicals. And help to combat the formation of Polyps in the organs mentioned.* Radioactive. After the discovery that olive oil helps the body to be resistant to radiation. Olive oil has been contained as part of the food for astronauts.* Baby food. A compound in olive oil and the ability to help digestion. So that the olive oil is. Natural fat with features similar to most mothers' milk.* Old age that we knew to find a way to combat free radicals that occur within our bodies to prevent the decline of health due to the age increase, since it is very important from the research we have in mind. that olive oil has the ability to resist the decline of the brain condition and also help extend the life of our longer too.* Coronary heart disease. The research found that Olive oil can help lower bad cholesterol (LDL) in the same time will not make good cholesterol (HDL) recedes.

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