
Botox in Thailand

About Botox injections

BOTOX injections are popular as a non-surgical way of effective reduce or eliminate facial wrinkles temporarily. Botox is a pure chemical that can restore a soft and smooth skin. It is a protein that is able to relax the muscles that cause wrinkles. As these muscles relax, the facial skin becomes smooth and wrinkle-free. It is currently popular because of its effectiveness. Iinjections can reduces or eliminates frown lines, forehead creases, and crows feet near the eyes, but it can also be effective against heavy sweating.

Am I a candidate for Botox ?

If you want to reduce or eliminate frown lines, forehead lines, and/or crows feat near the eyes and you have clear and realistic expectations as to what you wish to achieve then you are likely to be a good candidate for botox. Contact us if want a plastic surgeon from our partner hospital to evaluate whether you are likely to be a candidate for botox injections.

How long do I have to stay in Thailand for botox injections?

Botox injections only takes 5 minutes to complete and you can leave the hospital straight away after a brief rest. The wrinkles will vanish within 3-7 days. Before or after the botox injection treatment you can enjoy a holiday at a beach resort in the amazing gulf of Thailand near Hua Hin. However, be aware that you should avoid exposure to sunlight the first 24 hours after the botox injections.

Botox Furthermore, the magic fade to reduce wrinkles and tighten skin.

Botox - Botox.
Botox (Botox).

Furthermore, the magic fade to reduce wrinkles and tighten skin. Fine lines and wrinkles on the face caused by many reasons. Age increased with age. Sunlight frequently. Side effects from the use of cosmetics, excessive stress, anxiety. And functional characteristics of the face such as eyebrows, after the dissolution of the forehead, frown on a regular basis. In some people it will cause skin wrinkles. Purified protein. The extracts of Botulinum toxin type A effective in the rejuvenation of the face. The act allows the small muscles that cause wrinkles, loose skin. The most widely used spray to remove wrinkles, more than 70 countries around the world at a later time can also help you to edit the defects of the face parts of the body. Look better, whether it is the wrinkled nose bridge of the nose or the nose to set it up. Wrinkles around the lips. Stigmata jagged chin. Wrinkled neck. The curvature of the eyebrows, in different ways. A round-up eyes. Some interesting new techniques. Is injected to tighten the face, slender, rounded up. Botulinum toxin type A is the most popular. To solve the problem of aging. When compared to other creams to reduce wrinkles. The cream can erase wrinkles is significantly different from the use of Botulinum toxin type A can cause wrinkles and fine lines virtually disappear. And it is clearly within 3-7 days and you can rest assured about the safety of Botulinum toxin type A because of Botulinum toxin type A has been used in beauty to the rejuvenation of the skin for longer than 30 years. acceptable performance. And security of the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for over 16 years to discover the superior performance of the Botulinum toxin type A that
In addition, it reduces wrinkles. Botox is also used in other aspects of beauty. That there is a very popular service. The use of Botox to reduce the size of the jaw muscles. Make tapering. It is a natural. Does not require surgery. And does not require rehabilitation.

In addition, Botox can also be used. The two sides face more evenly. In the next round, reducing the size of the wings, nose, lower the bag, one eye (in some cases), makes the pores on the face smaller, reducing the oil on the face, and resize the temporal patients in some temples do not. form, can be reduced to a smaller cheekbones. Or raise the cheekbones higher, depending on individual patients, reduce double chin, to help distressed by tightening without surgery, face lift, reducing the chain's slack cheeks, the neck and the calf and the Sa slender tapering arms.

Sweat, a very unusual situation. It is a condition in which the use of Botox treatment was very good. In addition, some of which are already sweating. It also comes with a strong smell, too. That Botox can help patients with problems in this society. This unusual state of sweat. Botox can be used to treat both armpits, palms and soles of the scalp, neck, chest and back, but the patient was injected most often is the armpit sweat.

Restructuring, the tapered front edge it with Botox. The front frame is square to the jaw muscles that are bigger than normal muscle, this is called 'Masseter' often found in people sleeping there or not Kadฟan teeth to chew food with their sticky, and squid. The gum is also cause the jaw muscles or jaw, has developed a thick convex than usual, or some may be innate. When the face is a square chin was apparent. If you Kadฟan the trunk muscles of the jaw on both sides than a normal person. Botox injections to the face edge of the tapering. Without the risk of surgery, like Botox does not act by relaxing the jaw muscles. And to reduce jaw muscles. The thickness swell of the jaw muscles are reduced. Make your face look smaller and thinner. Botox injections to be effective after about 2-4 weeks and 2-3 months after injection, the full effect. The results of each will remain in place for about 6-12 months, depending on each person.



誰が長いため、これらのまたは定期的にハイヒールを着用する一般集団よりも静脈瘤危険にさらされている患側の脚は、静脈瘤を解消し、防ぐのに役立つです胃の中に親指は、足かかと外側に配置上から押し 15分間マッサージ、少なくとも週に三回は、症状を軽減することができますあなたはきれいな脚をしている




彼女のオフィスにあるすべての時間を座って。多くの場合、よく腰やKgnkbにおける痛みの問題に直面している。圧力点を解消する方法。上部の足と足首のかかとの周りの皮膚を押してください。これは腰や尾骨でポイントですマッサージ、フットマッサージは、足に10分のマッサージの上に親指を使用してください。 4つの10分のルーチンに数センチをマッサージ。よく痛みと腰Kgnkbを軽減し、防ぐために。